Developed by the Institut Louis Bachelier and the Center for Financial Studies
Open Financial Ecosystem indeX (or OFEX) is an index jointly created by Institut Louis Bachelier and the Centre for Financial Studies of the Goethe University that assesses the attractiveness of dozens of financial centres worldwide. Its main focuses are being scientifically robust, transparent and as objective as possible.
Institut Louis Bachelier
The Institut Louis Bachelier (ILB) is a French research network in economics and finance and an association under the French law of 1901, supported since 2008 by the Direction Générale du Trésor (DG Trésor – French Ministry of Finance) and the Caisse des Dépôts et Consignations (CDC).
The ILB amplifies the impact of research and modelling in finance for optimal resource and risk management towards a sustainable economy. It promotes the values of effective and impactful research for the common good and operates with complete independence and neutrality.
As a pioneer of new topics, the ILB engages academics, public authorities, and private companies in more than 60 research projects developed in partnership, with a focus on addressing digital and sustainable transitions. Each year, between 300 and 400 researchers collaborate with the ILB on projects ranging from theoretical research, to applied and even operational projects.
Center for Financial Studies
The Center for Financial Studies (CFS), affiliated to the Goethe University in Frankfurt, conducts independent and internationally–oriented research in important areas of financial and monetary economics, ranging from monetary policy and financial stability, household finance and retail banking to corporate finance and financial markets.
The CFS is also a contributor to policy debates and policy analyses, building upon relevant findings in its research areas. In providing a platform for research and policy advice, the CFS relies on its international network among academics, the financial industry and central banks in Europe and beyond.